
Keynote Speeches

Ara speaking in front of groupAs a thought-leader with a wide array of interests, I have become adept at connecting the dots to provide clarity and confidence to audiences large and small.

Whether I am being retained as a consultant for a long-term assignment, a keynote speaker, a seminar leader, or a performance coach, I have years of experience equipping people with the right combination of knowledge acquisition, skill enhancement, and talent development to bring about positive change.

A great speech should hold the attention of the audience, give them compelling things to think about, cause them to willingly make positive changes in their lives, and help make sense of the world around them.

Most of the topics I speak about represent custom-crafted presentations that are unique to that occasion. They reflect the unique needs of that audience at that time. They are delivered once, and never again.

A few of my presentations are such that they become classics, signature presentations that I deliver with my own unique style. They can’t be replicated by copycats. These few include the following:

  • Six Great Men:
    A historically-based deep-dive into a wide assortment of themes related to our primary Founding Fathers (Benjamin Franklin, George Washington, John Adams, Thomas Jefferson, James Madison, Alexander Hamilton), covering topics such as:

      • What was their overall background, temperament, education, and political philosophy?
      • What about their intellectual acumen; just how “smart” were they?
      • What were their views and experiences with slavery?
      • What was their religious outlook: were they Christians, Deists, Atheists, or something else? How did they view religion generally?
      • What were their major failings and their primary accomplishments?
      • What did they fear? Who were their friends? Who were their enemies?
      • How did they view each other? What was the nature of their individual relationships?

    Audiences come away inspired and amazed at what these six giants accomplished. This was truly a Dream Team in world history, drawing upon their unusual blend of public virtue, learnedness, and prescience to bring about the greatest experiment in individual liberty resulting in the most successful and prosperous nation-state in world history. One of the most unique presentations on the market today demonstrating the unique leadership qualities of this unusual collection of unlikely leadership greatness.

  • The 7 Deadly Sins of Leadership:
    This very popular presentation looks at seven specific things great leaders avoid, bending the odds in their favor that their leadership efforts will bear fruit. A great primer on what leadership is in its essence. Audiences will have a clear line-of-site between current reality and the necessary breakthroughs that will set them apart as consequential leaders.
  • Great Leaders of the Past:
    I take a close look at a variety of leaders and leadership styles of an earlier era, noting the unique threads that caused such leaders to remain top of mind for today’s leaders. Explorations of such leaders as Alexander the Great, Martin Luther, George C. Marshall, Ronald Reagan, Mahatma Gandhi, Winston Churchill, Brigham Young, Ann Sullivan, Martin Luther King, Mother Teresa, Steve Jobs, and Leonardo Da Vinci are all possible targets of such profiles.
  • Leader As Change Agent:
    One of the most fundamental characteristics of leaders and leadership is the change that is brought about. This presentation delivers a clear, prescriptive path to bringing about lasting, positive change in the workplace, the home, and for individuals in their own life.
  • Innovation for the Common Man:
    Innovation seems elusive to many, a trait that is housed in the DNA of a small segment of the population. Yet all could innovate if they understood how. Unfortunately, innovations of the past carry the seeds of complacency for the future, making it harder to achieve breakthrough success. I pull back the curtain to enable men and women to glean a realistic look at what it takes to innovate – and everyone can do it. I show them how.


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