The Problem With Generosity

The home of Uncommon Sense: Providing Clarity, Promoting Intelligence
The Problem With Generosity
Sharon Stone, who starred in such movies as “Basic Instinct,” “Casino,” “Silver,” and “Total Recall” isn’t all that active in the Hollywood movie scene these days. At age 66, it’s been more than a decade since she’s appeared in film, and while her net worth is said to be roughly $20 million, it may be […]
I Might Be Wrong
There seems to be a lot of people wearing a mask of certitude. They claim expertise on matters and pontificate on things with an air of confidence that may or may not be warranted. Remember both James Carville and Bill Maher told the world, using different words, that Donald Trump would definitely, unequivocally, lose the […]
What Is Virtue?
The best college professor I ever studied under was Richard Draper at Brigham Young University. I took a New Testament class from him in the summer term of 1983. During our June 7th class session we were discussing the writings of the Apostle Peter, particularly his 2nd General Epistle. In examining the 3rd verse of […]
What’s In A Christmas Card?
In an earlier era, I was very committed to giving out (and mailing) Christmas cards. I saw them as an opportunity to make a small difference in the life of the person receiving one. Over the years, I’ve gotten lazy in that operation. I give out very few, if any, Christmas cards. It’s not that […]
“How Are You Really Doing?”
By habit, we often greet each other with the question, “How are you doing?” or some variation thereof (“How are you?” “How are things going?” “What’s going on?” What’s been happening lately?”) We generally don’t ask such questions with absolute seriousness. We’re just being polite. In many instances, we don’t really care how the person […]
The Inevitability of Death
In covering a topic this sensitive, I begin by offering a faith-based perspective which comes from my Latter-day Saint community and theology, and I do so to get it out of the way as a sort of preface, because this journal entry is not predominantly about that – not about religion or faith or theology […]
While I’m sure 4th Grade teachers in our public or private schools would not find their 9-year-old students amusing if said students were mouthy, disrespectful, and sassy, (and I concur with the teachers), I actually find a little sass somewhat amusing in the real world. While I would not tolerate disrespectful sass from subordinates in […]
Forgive Yourself
We are flawed by nature. We make mistakes. We do wrong. We hurt others. We are sometimes selfish and self-centered. Some of us are even narcissistic at times. We make fools of ourselves. We say cruel things. We utter unwarranted insults. We are quick to judge. We sometimes take things that are not ours to […]
Dysfunction Squared
This is hard to talk about and I really don’t wish to divulge too much, but I need to point out that the more I interact with people (and I do interact with lots and lots of people from all walks of life and in very different circumstances and venues) the more I am noticing […]
The Reciprocity of Suffering
There is a quote from a book I wished to use for this article. But I am frustrated because I can’t readily locate the quote. I wished to locate the quote so I could better understand the context of the quote. The quote is as follows: “. . . but perhaps he might gain internal […]
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