
The home of Uncommon Sense: Providing Clarity, Promoting Intelligence
Building Your Power of Expression Illusory, adj. Pronunciation: iˈlo͞osərē, iˈlo͞ozərē Meaning: This word refers to things that are based on an illusion; things that are not real. Usage: “The past two weeks have been a reminder that refuge can be illusory.” “The concept of money might be the greatest illusory trick of all time.” “Some […]
Building Your Power of Expression Parlay, v. Pronunciation: ˈpärˌlā, ˈpärˌlē Meaning: Although the initial usage of this word comes to us courtesy of the world of gambling, and conveyed the idea of turning one’s initial winnings from a previous bet into a greater amount by further gambling, it has taken on an additional meaning of […]
Building Your Power of Expression Acidly, adv. Pronunciation: ˈasədlē Meaning: Anything communicated with bitterness or extreme sarcasm could said to have been done so acidly. Usage: “Is it up to you to make that decision?” she asked acidly. She replied acidly that she didn’t need his help, her tone clearly indicating her annoyance. He commented acidly […]
Building Your Power of Expression Germane, adj. Pronunciation: jərˈmān Meaning: When something is said to be germane, it is relevant to the topic under consideration. Conversely, if something is said to not be germane, the claim is being put forth that what was just said is irrelevant to the subject at hand. Usage: Your point is […]
Building Your Power of Expression Effusive, adj. Pronunciation: əˈfyo͞osiv Meaning: Any time you are expressing feelings of gratitude, praise, approval, or offering compliments in a way that is unrestrained, deeply heartfelt, or over-the-top, you are being effusive. Usage: She received quite an effusive welcoming upon her return. I couldn’t help it; I gave them effusive praise […]
Building Your Power of Expression Compunction, n. [usually used in the negative] Pronunciation: kəmˈpəNG(k)SH(ə)n Meaning: A compunction is a feeling of guilt or moral scruple that prevents or follows the doing of something bad. Think of it as a feeling of anxiety arising from awareness of guilt. It could also be thought of as distress of […]
Building Your Power of Expression Schema, n. Pronunciation: ˈskēmə Meaning: Aside from its technical use in the fields of logic or philosophy (especially in Kantian philosophy) a schema most generally refers to a representation of a plan or theory in the form of an outline or a model of some kind. If I developed a new […]
Building Your Power of Expression Emaciated, adj. Pronunciation: əˈmāSHēˌādəd Meaning: When a person (or an animal) appears to be abnormally weak and thin, especially when due to illness or a lack of food, that person (or animal) could be said to be emaciated. We’ve all seen people or animals that have been neglected and are thus […]
Building Your Power of Expression Ameliorate, v. Pronunciation: əˈmēlyəˌrāt Meaning: To ameliorate is to take something bad or undesirable and make it better somehow; to make more tolerable. Usage: Take this medicine, as it will help ameliorate the pain. His reforms did much to ameliorate living standards. Although this environment is in utter disarray, it will […]
Building Your Power of Expression Droll, adj. Pronunciation: drōl Meaning: This word describes something that is curious or unusual in a way that provokes dry amusement. Usage: He was notable for his unique brand of droll self-mockery. No, I didn’t do the chicken dance or anything so droll. Nick is very droll; he’s got a very […]
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