If I Was a Terrorist. . .

The home of Uncommon Sense: Providing Clarity, Promoting Intelligence
If I Was a Terrorist. . .
Sometimes it pays to try to understand your enemies. When Joe Biden and Kamala Harris were elected to the presidency during the 2020 election, the moment they got the keys to the White House in late January 2021, they immediately embarked on a project to do pretty much the opposite of whatever it was that […]
Understanding Conservatism
It is an interesting undertaking to understand American Conservatism. People often throw the term around with only minimal understanding of what constitutes conservatism. I recently reviewed a speech on the subject by John Fonte of the Center for American Common Culture, a division of The Hudson Institute . Allow me to offer a quick summary […]
Leftwing Craziness during the Month of July
Sometimes it is instructive to merely make passing mention of the continued madness that is Leftism. Let’s take a quick stroll down memory lane to see the Left-wing trends and happenings that point to a growing erosion of decency and normalcy, shall we? The Supreme Court ruled that former President Donald Trump does have some […]
Inside the Leftist-Dem Mind
“May you live in interesting times.”     The quote above is said to be a bit of ancient Chinese wisdom. We certainly do seem to be living in interesting times, especially on the political front given that we are in an election season. And as we’ve heard in all of the presidential elections of […]
The Rage of LGBT Activism
Of all the factions that claim marginalized status in our culture today, the LGBT crowd is a fascinating case study in both self-fulfilling prophecy and projection. LGBT activists (which are distinct from the average LGBT person) have a vested interest in seeing themselves as victims – perpetually. They walk around with the deep-seated need to […]
Gay Pride Month: Some Questions
It is an undeniable phenomenon that when it comes to Gay Pride Month – or anything concerning the LGBTQIA2S+ movement – that if you utter a word, if you articulate so much as a single syllable that involves anything other than total acceptance and partiality, you will be on the receiving end of some vicious […]
The Radicalization of Colleges and Universities
I am, among other things, a college professor. As a result of that part of my professional life, I tend to pay attention to how college students comport themselves – not only in my own classes, but at other colleges and universities around the country (and even globally to a degree). It’s a fascinating undertaking. […]
The Rogue Prosecutor Movement
I recently listened to an eye-opening and very disturbing speech by a man named Charles Stimson. Stimson is the deputy director of the Edwin Meese III Center for Legal and Judicial Studies. Here are some of the eye-opening things I learned from Mr. Stimson. Roughly 90% of criminal cases in our country are handled by […]
The NPR Miasma
National Public Radio was in the news this month. One of their senior editors, a man named Uri Berliner, who had been employed by NPR for 25 years, had seen some troubling things at the media outlet. Now, I should say that Uri Berliner is no Conservative. He’s been a Democrat-voting liberal all of his […]
Whence Cometh Evil?
Life can be tough. Very tough. There is much human suffering that is brought about by what seem to be normal occurrences of life: disease, injuries, even the incapacitations that come from life-enhancing medical procedures such as surgeries, as the patient needs patience as she heals, slowly, burdened every day by immobility until the healing […]
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