The Sinking Filth Taking Place in June 2023

The home of Uncommon Sense: Providing Clarity, Promoting Intelligence
The Sinking Filth Taking Place in June 2023
Periodically I use this column to highlight what I noticed in a given month thanks to the social contagion known as Leftism – a warped and wicked societal germ that poisons everyone and everything it touches. Leftism is destroying our nation in particular and Western Civilization in general. In taking stock of what happened in […]
Is Your Résumé Overdue For an Overhaul?
You may be gainfully employed, you may be unemployed, or you may (knowingly or unknowingly) be heading for a layoff. Having an impressive résumé can set you apart from the competition and position you for your next job. Don’t wait for the crisis. Get ahead of the game by whipping your résumé into shape now! […]
Fight Your Fight
I’ve often been transfixed by the sports of boxing and wrestling, as well as by the martial arts. I myself joined a boxing club early in life, studied professional boxing throughout the 1970s and 80s, and kept tabs on the sport. In Junior High and High School I competed on the wrestling team, wrestled in […]
Building Your Power of Expression Puerile, adj. Pronunciation: ˈpyo͝orəl, ˈpyo͝orˌīl Meaning: This word refers to things that are childishly silly and trivial. When someone is being puerile, they are demonstrating a lack of maturity, seriousness, or good judgment. Think infantile, juvenile, inane, etc. Usage: The argument, as currently presented, betrays a rather puerile tint that […]
Welcome to Uncommon Sense
Welcome back to another issue of Uncommon Sense. I think you are in for a real treat with this issue. The art of customer service never ceases to hold my attention, and the Self-Development column delivers some important ideas about that which are both descriptive and prescriptive. The Elephant in the Room column addresses a […]
A Sure-Fire Way To Secure Customer Loyalty
Someone gave me a gift card to a restaurant called Texas Roadhouse. I had hung on to it for a few months and then decided to treat myself to lunch last week. It was my first time there. And I have to say, I was quite impressed. I’m a “true believer.” Why? For starters, the […]
Thrown To The Wolves
by Christopher F. Rufo I have been engaged in an ongoing dialogue with a physician who works in a major children’s hospital in a blue city. This physician has witnessed firsthand how transgender ideology has captured the medical profession and jeopardized the first commandment of the healing sciences: do no harm. He has now chosen […]
Is Your Résumé Overdue For an Overhaul?
You may be gainfully employed, you may be unemployed, or you may (knowingly or unknowingly) be heading for a layoff. Having an impressive résumé can set you apart from the competition and position you for your next job. Don’t wait for the crisis. Get ahead of the game by whipping your résumé into shape now! […]
The Forgiveness Quandary
People do the wrong thing on occasion. Sometimes the “wrong thing” means they hurt or betray or otherwise disappoint someone. I’m not talking about cases in which the person on the receiving end of the slight is hypersensitive or thin-skinned. I’m talking about actual, unarguable wrong-doing where Person A made commitments to Person B, and […]
Building Your Power of Expression Panache, n. Pronunciation: pəˈnaSH, pəˈnäSH Meaning: Flamboyant confidence of style or manner. Usage: The line uttered by Clint Eastwood’s character in describing John Malkovich’s character was: “Oh, he’ll call again. He’s got, uh, panache.” He entertained Palm Springs society with great panache. It was a demanding role, but he carried […]
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