
The home of Uncommon Sense: Providing Clarity, Promoting Intelligence
Welcome back to another dose of Uncommon Sense! I really enjoyed putting Issue #291 together for you. And while I am now age 65, I will still be around doing this when I’m 75, and you receive Issue #525, and even when I am 85, and you receive Issue #765. In the Self-Development column, I […]
Great to have you back for another dose of Uncommon Sense! I think you are going to get a lot of value out of this issue! In the Self-Development column, you will find a formula for nullifying the ill-effects of a terrible phenomenon that plagues all of us. Read it and implement my formula. The […]
Thank you for being a faithful reader of Uncommon Sense! I am pleased to say I put a lot of effort into this issue to bring you as much value as possible. In the Self-Development column, I give you some important advice that if you follow, will open doors for you that could be opened […]
It’s great to have you back for the latest issue of Uncommon Sense! Read this issue carefully because it can be a game-changer for you. Do you have credit card debt that you can’t get ahead of? Today is your lucky day! The Self-Development column will explain. The Elephant In The Room column will begin […]
Hello and welcome back to the world of ideas with this latest installment of Uncommon Sense! You are going to get exposed to an important leadership concept in the Self-Development column. And contrary to common practice, we do a little celebrating for a change with The Elephant In The Room column. I share some observations […]
Welcome to Uncommon Sense
We are half-way through 2023! Can you believe it? Uncommon Sense comes through yet again with a dandy of an issue. Check it out! One of the best ways to jump start your own Self-Development has to do with self-awareness. I explain it all in this column. The Elephant in the Room column outlines a […]
Welcome to Uncommon Sense
Welcome back to another issue of Uncommon Sense. I think you are in for a real treat with this issue. The art of customer service never ceases to hold my attention, and the Self-Development column delivers some important ideas about that which are both descriptive and prescriptive. The Elephant in the Room column addresses a […]
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