Is Your Résumé Overdue For an Overhaul?

The home of Uncommon Sense: Providing Clarity, Promoting Intelligence
Is Your Résumé Overdue For an Overhaul?
Your résumé is one of the most important tools in your arsenal as far as your career is concerned. You rarely can secure a job interview unless you first present a sharp looking résumé, one that presents you in the best possible light. However, most résumés fall far short of capturing the attention of recruiters […]
An Ongoing Irony
Although I’ve never met her in person, I’ve gotten acquainted with a relatively young lady – quite a bit younger than myself – through social media. An artist by profession, she is extraordinarily talented at drawing and painting. I’ve literally been mesmerized by some of her work, and I’ve told her I plan to one […]
Building Your Power of Expression Apotheosis, n. Pronunciation: əˌpäTHēˈōsəs Meaning: In some circles, this word has a particular theological meaning. When speaking of divine things, apotheosis refers to the process of divine sanctification wherein a disciple of Christ, at some point in the next life, is elevated to the status of a divine being, a […]
Can you believe we are about to march into the final quarter of the year? How have you performed thus far in 2023? Has it been successful for you? Well, it’s about to get more successful for you. Read on. We all know it’s the speakers who are the leaders, and I use the Self-Development […]
How To Be “On”
Recently I was the opening speaker at a conference. I was to be followed by another speaker who would close out the conference. Happily, I was prepared. I had crafted a powerful message, had rehearsed it carefully, and when it came time to deliver it, I did so in a compelling manner. It was a […]
What We Can Learn from Day 1 of the Biden Impeachment Inquiry
While Donald Trump, both as President of the United States, and also to the present day, has been the subject of multiple witch-hunts and hoxes perpetrated by Leftist-Democrats and the media ever since he announced his intent to run for President on June 16, 2015, and has been formally impeached by Congress not once but […]
Is Your Résumé Overdue For an Overhaul?
Your résumé is one of the most important tools in your arsenal as far as your career is concerned. You rarely can secure a job interview unless you first present a sharp looking résumé, one that presents you in the best possible light. However, most résumés fall far short of capturing the attention of recruiters […]
Incident in Broward County
A news item caught my eye this week. The incident in question took place on July 10th of this year; I’m writing about it now because an arrest took place just this week following an anonymous tip. Back in July, a man by the name of Marc Cohen, age 63, was taking his wife out […]
Building Your Power of Expression Parsimony, n. Pronunciation: ˈpärsəˌmōnē Meaning: Parsimony refers to a rather austere commitment to frugality, or an aversion to spending money or other resources. Usage: I think you need to have a little parsimony injected into your brain; your spending habits are out of control! A great tradition of public design […]
Welcome back to another dose of Uncommon Sense! I really enjoyed putting Issue #291 together for you. And while I am now age 65, I will still be around doing this when I’m 75, and you receive Issue #525, and even when I am 85, and you receive Issue #765. In the Self-Development column, I […]
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