Shocking News about the News Media, Part 2 of 2

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Shocking News about the News Media, Part 2 of 2
So if you missed the previous issue of Uncommon Sense (#288) you will want to go back to that issue first and read the Elephant in the Room column before you read this column, which represent Part 2 of 2. In fact, you may want to go back and read Part 1 just to reorient […]
Shocking News about the News Media, Part 1 of 2
I am a news junkie. I admit it. I’m hooked. But very little that I read in the news surprises me. Most of what I read, much of it falling in the category of bad news, is actually rather predictable. Indoctrinating children about Trans madness? Typical. Mass shootings? No surprise there. Climate change hysteria? Duh! […]
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