Some of you are mildly aware that I am a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. It is a fascinating organization and one that I treasure and am devoted to. The organization is also a curiosity due to the fact that in spite of all the good they do in the world, they have a number of former members who are dissenters, and who spend an inordinate amount of time on social media mocking the Church and denigrating its leaders.
I occasionally enter the debate arena to challenge those who spend their time belittling my faith community. And I recently participated in a rather riveting debate with one such self-proclaimed critic. I won that debate handily, but I acknowledge my opponent was reasonably articulate. Still, in the end, he simply gave up and abandoned the conversation.
I have prepared a clean and clear transcript of that exchange. I am well aware that the vast majority of my readers would not find such a transcript of interest in the least. But for the LDS members (or anyone else) who subscribe to this newsletter who wish to receive a copy of it – free of charge – send me an email to and let me know you’d like to read it and I will zip a copy off to you at once.
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