
The home of Uncommon Sense: Providing Clarity, Promoting Intelligence
Building Your Power of Expression Intuit, v. Pronunciation: inˈt(y)o͞oət Meaning: To intuit is to understand, comprehend, or work out by instinct. Usage: I intuited his real identity. I need to do a little more intuiting before I can decide on a proper course. Please revisit the documents and see what you can intuit from them.
Thank you for being a faithful reader of Uncommon Sense! I am pleased to say I put a lot of effort into this issue to bring you as much value as possible. In the Self-Development column, I give you some important advice that if you follow, will open doors for you that could be opened […]
Why Reading Matters
When asked how it is possible to know how to launch rockets into space, Elon Musk responded, “I read books.” I like his answer. A large portion of what I know came from reading books. Let me spell out for you what it is you are encountering when you read a valuable book. First, you […]
Shocking News about the News Media, Part 2 of 2
So if you missed the previous issue of Uncommon Sense (#288) you will want to go back to that issue first and read the Elephant in the Room column before you read this column, which represent Part 2 of 2. In fact, you may want to go back and read Part 1 just to reorient […]
Craving Attention
I picked up a really great book at my local Barnes & Noble this week. In fact, I also picked up an equally great book at the same Barnes & Noble the week before. But this journal entry is not about the books. It’s about something strange I noticed. In fact, I have been going […]
Building Your Power of Expression Paramour, n. Pronunciation: ˈperəˌmo͝or Meaning: Please don’t be a paramour. And please don’t acquire a paramour. A paramour is a lover – typically, however, a lover who is involved with someone married to someone else. If you are a married man and you have a paramour, you have a mistress. […]
It’s great to have you back for the latest issue of Uncommon Sense! Read this issue carefully because it can be a game-changer for you. Do you have credit card debt that you can’t get ahead of? Today is your lucky day! The Self-Development column will explain. The Elephant In The Room column will begin […]
Removing The Debt Albatross
I had some productive coaching sessions with two different individuals recently that made a huge impact on their financial life. They do not know each other, but they had something in common. They both possessed several credit cards and, as a result, had a lot of credit card debt. One had around $33,000 in credit […]
Shocking News about the News Media, Part 1 of 2
I am a news junkie. I admit it. I’m hooked. But very little that I read in the news surprises me. Most of what I read, much of it falling in the category of bad news, is actually rather predictable. Indoctrinating children about Trans madness? Typical. Mass shootings? No surprise there. Climate change hysteria? Duh! […]
Norwood Launches New and Improved Website
I am pleased to announce some exciting news: I did a complete overhaul of my website! It’s been years since I have done a major upgrade and I cannot adequately express how pleased I am with the outcome. I encourage you to have a gander: is the URL. Let me know what you think. […]
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