On Being Humorless

The home of Uncommon Sense: Providing Clarity, Promoting Intelligence
On Being Humorless
It feels good to laugh. Laughter is a real “high” as endorphins are released into the bloodstream, providing an emotional sensation that is almost euphoric. Sometimes we get to laugh at ourselves, and it is good if we do so. We shouldn’t take ourselves too seriously. Other times we get to laugh with others (notice […]
Building Your Power of Expression Preen v. Pronunciation: prēn Meaning: While this word is often found in the field of ornithology (the study of birds – i.e., when a bird cleans its feathers with its beak, it is preening itself) the word also pertains to people who are busy making themselves look attractive and/or admiring […]
Glad to see you’ve got the latest issue of Uncommon Sense before your eyes. Let’s unpack this issue. The Self-Development Column gives you some sound advice about charting your course, whether you are part of an organization, or whether you are approaching achievement from an individual perspective. The Elephant in the Room column addresses the […]
The Problem with Vision Statements
In both my professional work, and as a college professor in the School of Business where I teach, I often help individuals and organizations get clarity around matters that pertain to culture. I help clients work on getting clear on things like their governing values, the personal or corporate mission statement, perhaps their vision statement, […]
The Ethical Conundrum of an Open Border
It’s really no secret that the current administration decided to ignore immigration law and open up our southern borders.  Doing so could not possibly be an accident – as Republican Senator John Kennedy from Louisiana once stated, “No one is that incompetent.  It has to be by design.” Why would a President of the United […]
The Real Meaning of “Full Stop!”
I recently (Issue #302) wrote about bullying in this column. I received a lot of feedback on that piece, and it got me thinking about bullying even further. It has since occurred to me that a less violent form of bullying often occurs in more professional settings by insecure individuals who wish to push their […]
Building Your Power of Expression Superimpose v. Pronunciation: ˌso͞op(ə)rəmˈpōz Meaning: To place or lay one thing over another, typically so that both are still evident. Usage: The number will appear on the screen, superimposed on a flashing button. She tried to superimpose her ideas of perfection onto the lazy habits of her children. I’m wondering, […]
Welcome to a whole new dose of Uncommon Sense. We all would prefer to be perceived as intelligent. The Self-Development Column shows you precisely how to get there. Read it, and apply it, and you’ll do great. I don’t expect much from children who are in adult bodies. Fani Willis is one of those. But […]
Want to be Brilliant? Read Effectively.
When Elon Musk, the wealthiest man on planet earth, was once asked how it was possible that a businessman such as himself knew how to fire rockets into space, he replied, succinctly, “I read books.” Most forward-thinking people read books. But few do so effectively. What do I mean? They are somewhat passive. They are […]
The Slow Erosion of the Rule of Law
Some of you more partisan types will mistakenly imagine this column is about vindicating Donald Trump. It is not. Trump may or may not be guilty of inflating the value of his properties, for which he is currently facing a trial in a court of law brought on by Fulton County (Atlanta) District Attorney Fani […]
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