Abraham Lincoln once said “The better part of one’s life consists of his friends.” Hard to argue with that.
Sitting just the other day with a great friend (SE) whom I first met back in 1996, I was reminded that while truly great individuals are not common, they are out there. It’s up to me to be open to them.
I well remember a conversation I had with a woman some years ago, MG, who told me that she was on a perpetual treasure hunt to find wonderful people in her orbit. And because she was looking for them, she found them.
The problem is when our antenna is not attuned to people who truly are wonderful. They pass us by in the hallways of life, scarcely aware of our existence, and we scarcely aware of theirs. Like two ships passing in the night, we arrive at our next port having failed to notice we unwittingly brushed by true goodness or nobility, true decency or magnificence. Our loss.
I will strive to keep my eyes and heart open to the uniqueness of such souls, to seek out their best, and to extend the hand of friendship.
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