
The home of Uncommon Sense: Providing Clarity, Promoting Intelligence
Great to have you back for a very consequential and riveting dose of Uncommon Sense. Our Self-Development column will give you some very credible and helpful counsel which, if implemented, will enable you to stand out from the crowd. I talked about Trump Derangement Syndrome in the previous issue (#317) but I want to show […]
The Power and the Promise of Prescience
We all can learn something from chess masters: Chess masters set themselves apart from other players of this most difficult of games in several ways. To name one example, a true chess master has a vast understanding of what is called “Opening Knowledge.” This has to do with the many variables involved in one’s opening […]
Trump Derangement Syndrome Illustrated
In the previous issue (see Issue #317) I discussed the notion of Trump Derangement Syndrome. Opponents of Donald Trump consider the notion of TDS to be an unwarranted smear. I actually believe it to be a real phenomenon, an example of mass hysteria on an unprecedented scale. I’ve pointed out many times that the masses […]
Forgive Yourself
We are flawed by nature. We make mistakes. We do wrong. We hurt others. We are sometimes selfish and self-centered. Some of us are even narcissistic at times. We make fools of ourselves. We say cruel things. We utter unwarranted insults. We are quick to judge. We sometimes take things that are not ours to […]
Building Your Power of Expression Emaciated, adj. Pronunciation: əˈmāSHēˌādəd Meaning: When a person (or an animal) appears to be abnormally weak and thin, especially when due to illness or a lack of food, that person (or animal) could be said to be emaciated. We’ve all seen people or animals that have been neglected and are thus […]
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