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Emaciated, adj.

Pronunciation: əˈmāSHēˌādəd

Meaning: When a person (or an animal) appears to be abnormally weak and thin, especially when due to illness or a lack of food, that person (or animal) could be said to be emaciated. We’ve all seen people or animals that have been neglected and are thus in a state of extreme thinness from the absence of body fat and muscle wasting away, usually from malnutrition. (One trip to any Walmart in the U.S. and you will very likely see an epidemic of the opposite condition).


  • She was so emaciated she could hardly stand.
  • My most seering memory is seeing pictures of children in the Sudan who were so emaciated, it still haunts me to this day.
  • When we get him here the first thing we will do is examine his weight to see if he is emaciated in any way.

Ara Norwood is a multi-faceted and results-oriented professional. Spanning a multiplicity of disciplines including leadership, management, innovation, strategy, service, sales, business ethics, and entrepreneurship. Ara is also a historian, having special expertise on the era of the founding of our republic.
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