In the previous issue of Uncommon Sense (Issue 323) I announced that College of the Canyons, located in Valencia, California, asked me to teach two different sections of the same course – Introduction to Business (Business 100). The full semester version (16-weeks in duration) is Section 82799. The half-semester version (8-weeks in duration) is Section 82880. Both of these fully online courses begin the week of February 10th.
College of the Canyons reached out to me and asked if I would teach a third course, also an 8-week course that begins the second half of the semester, starting on April 14th. This course is called eBusiness Strategy (Business 192). The section number is 83097. This course is a very pragmatic course that is all about how to launch a web-based business. I’ll be sharing interviews with successful entrepreneurs and business titans who discuss various aspects of how to launch an online business – including Alan Weiss, the author of Million Dollar Consulting, which was a truly incredible catch!
If you have toyed with the idea of launching a web-based business to offer your products or services, I urge you to go to the College of the Canyons website and get registered. If the class if full, get on the Wait List, as I will formally add you on April 14th.
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