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Leftism: A Summary of a Summary

As I discussed in both the Self-Development column above, and in the Shameless Plug segment below, I completed my goal for 2024 of writing my first book, The Leftist Hydra: How the Progressive Left is Undermining Western Civilization.

The book itself has a chapter near the end that summarizes my views of how Leftism is distinct from Conservatism. I’d like to share that summary here, but it would be over 1600 words, a bit too long for this column. Thus, I offer a summary of that summary.

On Abortion: Conservative Americans who assess the pros and cons of abortion are very circumspect about it. They recognize that the termination of an unborn life is sometimes necessary, but always consequential and profoundly regrettable. Far too many Leftists, by contrast, take a nonchalant view of abortion, viewing the unborn as nothing more than an inconvenient clump of cells.

On the Academe: Conservative Americans see colleges as places of learning, as temples of inquiry, where all ideas are open for discussion and debate. Leftists see colleges as places where Leftist dogma should be used to indoctrinate, and where Conservatives should be chased off the campus.

On America: Conservative Americans look at America in particular, and Western Civilization broadly, with deference and awe. Conservatives see America as a City on a Hill, a beacon of hope. Leftists see America as systemically racist and in need of a complete overhaul.

On Freedom of Expression: Conservative Americans believe in the First Amendment that allows for freedom of expression. Leftists believe First Amendment protections only apply to Leftists, not to Conservatives.

On Gender: Conservative Americans understand that sex is binary, and that males should not invade the spaces set aside for females. Leftists believe that a person can change his or her gender – a scientific impossibility.

On God: Conservative Americans respect religion, even if they are not individually a committed believer in a particular religion, and they are certainly not hostile to the concept of religion. Leftists often make a mockery of sacred things.

On Israel: Conservative Americans understand there is something unique about Jews, Israelis, and the nation-state of Israel. Patriotic Americans are instinctively inclined to support or even to protect the Jewish people and their nation-state. Leftists, by and large, are anti-Semitic or are sympathetic to those who are.

On Law and Order: American patriots support law and order, believing it to foster a stable, peaceful environment. Americans are open to immigration provided it is controlled and legal. Leftists often embrace lawlessness, believing it to foster chaos and anarchy. Leftists often want open borders, not because of sympathy towards foreigners, but because they see such foreigners as potential votes which could keep Leftists in power.

On Morality: Conservative Americans who believe in Christian virtues see chastity as a beautiful thing, as something that ideally involves full sexual expression between a man and a woman after marriage, and where children should be protected from exposure to sexuality. Leftists believe that marriage is unnecessary, that sex should happen between any consenting adults, regardless of sexual orientation. Leftists have no problem with sexualizing children.

On News Media and Journalism: Conservative Americans believe the purpose of journalism and the media is to report the news objectively and without a political or social agenda. Leftists believe the purpose of journalism and the media is to support and disseminate Leftist propaganda.

On Race: Conservative Americans consider the color of someone’s skin to be hugely irrelevant. Conservative Americans see America as the least racist multi-cultural country on earth. Leftists consider skin color hugely relevant, considering white people to be inherently racist against blacks, and see America as systemically racist.

On Science: Conservative Americans tend to respect science but also recognize the tentative nature of science, knowing that later discoveries often require that earlier scientific assumptions be modified, and do not see climate change as an existential threat. Leftists often speak of “settled science” and admonish others to “follow the science,” as if science is their god. Yet in truth, Leftists only follow the science when they believe the science supports Left-wing dogma, whether it involves the climate, gender matters, abortion, the age of the earth, whether God exists, or any other item of importance to Leftists.

On Tolerance: Conservative Americans of good will recognize that many differences exist among the people of this world, and within certain parameters, tolerance should be extended to others. Leftists are obsessed with tolerance but what they actually mean by the word “tolerance” is “unconditional surrender to their agenda.” In addition, while Leftists frequently employ the word “tolerance,” they do not, as a rule, extend tolerance to Conservatives.

Are these differences between Conservative Americans and Leftists at all reconcilable? Is there a middle ground of some sort? Is there any room for compromise between the two world-views?

What do you think?

Ara Norwood is a multi-faceted and results-oriented professional. Spanning a multiplicity of disciplines including leadership, management, innovation, strategy, service, sales, business ethics, and entrepreneurship. Ara is also a historian, having special expertise on the era of the founding of our republic.
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